Statement of Concern

February 2013, Statement of Concern: The international public health community responds to the global alcohol producers’ attempts to implement the WHO Global Strategy on the Harmful Use of Alcohol. On October 8, 2012,…

Alcohol and health in the post 2015 Development Agenda

Alcohol: a key determinant for ill health and an obstacle to development In the development goals that will follow the Millennium Development Goals alcohol needs to be addressed, says the…

Conflict of Interest Coalition – Statement of Concern

GAPA joined with a number of like minded NGOs to draft a Statement of Concern related to the involvement of the private sector in the UN High Level process on…

GAPA brief on Alcohol and NCDs

In preparation for the UN High Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Disease (NCDs) GAPA issued a brief on alcohol and NCD. The brief was authored by Professor Charles Parry and Professor…

Submission in WHO consultation on ways of reducing harmful use of alcohol

The WHO Secretariat held a web-based public hearing on the best ways to reduce harmful use of alcohol. Contributions to the public hearing could be submitted via a dedicated website…