• The GAPA mission is to reduce alcohol-related harm worldwide by promoting science-based policies independent of commercial interests.

The Objectives of GAPA:

      • Provide a forum for alcohol policy advocates and researchers, policy makers and regulators through meetings, information sharing, publications, and electronic communications; with the purpose to disseminate information internationally on effective alcohol policies and policy advocacy;
      • Bring to the attention of national, regional and international governmental and non-governmental agencies and communities the social, economic, and health consequences of alcohol consumption and related harm; with the purpose to advocate for international, regional and national governmental and non-governmental responses to reduce alcohol related harm worldwide;
      • Co-operate with national, regional and global organizations and communities to alleviate alcohol-related problems;
      • Monitor and promote research on the impact of international trade and investment agreements on alcohol-related harm;
      • Monitor the activities of the commercial interests promoting sale of alcohol products;
      • Place priority on research and advocacy regarding the inequitable effects of alcohol;
      • Ensure that GAPA’s alliances and collaborating networks have the technology and support capacity to participate in regional and global networks for communication and action.
      • Work to extend and strengthen our network based on two objectives:
        • To be a strong voice for alcohol policy globally.
        • To be a more effective advocacy network in specific global, regional and national issues.