GAPA will work to extend the network based on two objectives:
- To be a strong voice for evidence based alcohol policy.
- To be an effective advocacy network at global, regional and national level.
Current GAPA members

Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance
SAAPA is a network of National Alliances of civil society organisations across several countries in Southern Africa.
Read more about SAAPA
Current members are Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. With over 80 members, SAAPA is a growing network which aims to create coordinating, sharing and reflection platforms for NGOs working with alcohol-related harm to influence evidence-based alcohol policy development and implementation that promotes health and protects citizens in Southern Africa and beyond. SAAPA lobbies for policy outcomes in line with WHO best buys and SAFER, which it advocates for in all member countries because of the inter-contentedness of the economies and social life of the region.
The Alliance undertakes joint training and advocacy activities; shares lessons and strategies on responding to the alcohol industry and engages governments on alcohol policy development. Media advocacy is used by the Alliance to influence public discourse and challenge the largely industry generated narrative of alcohol costs and harm to the socio- economy of the region. The Alliance has also developed an advocacy training manual for the region and is committed to strengthening alcohol policy advocacy capacity within the region.
The Alliance recently published an evidence review on alcohol and GBV. Together with sister Alliances on the African continent, SAAPA promotes a continental dialogue on alcohol industry practices and regulation, related harm and policy options to address cross border trade, distribution and marketing.

West African Alcohol Policy Alliance (WAAPA)
The West African Alcohol Policy Alliance (WAAPA) is a coalition of civil society organizations with the goal of advocating and assisting in the development, implementation and evaluation of scientific-based alcohol policies and programmes in West Africa.
Read more about WAAPA
WAAPA is providing technical assistance and/or financial support to nine (9) countries in West Africa to enable each country develop, strengthen and implement effective National Alcohol Policies (NAP) and legislation. The countries include; Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Benin, Burkina Faso and Senegal.
Its working objectives includes:
- To promote and facilitate monitoring and information sharing on alcohol and alcohol related issues with member organizations, development and international partners;
- To initiate, facilitate and conduct research on alcohol prevention and policies;
- To strengthen the capacities of civil society organizations, public health professionals and other stakeholders involved in alcohol policies and programmes;
- To encourage, support and strengthen partnerships between member organizations and governments on the implementation of alcohol policies and programmes;
- To promote and advocate for national, regional and continental policies, programmes and regulatory frameworks on alcohol and alcohol related issues and;
- To mobilize and facilitate access to financial, human and technical assistance and resources required for the development, implementation and evaluation of alcohol policies and programmes.
- To collaborate with regional and international Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGOs) on alcohol policies and programmes.
The WAAPA Board of Directors with representatives from the National Alcohol Policy Alliances (NAPAs), elected Advisers and alcohol control experts supervises the operations of WAAPA Secretariat and approves its annual Programme or Work (PoW) and budget.
WAAPA is a development partner of FORUT Norway.
Follow WAAPA:

East African Alcohol Policy Alliance (EAAPA)
The East African Alcohol Policy Alliance (EAAPA) was founded in 2009, during the first East African Conference on Alcohol, in Arusha Tanzania. EAAPA is a regional alliance promoting alcohol policy advocacy and enforcement of alcohol regulation legislation(s) in the East African Community Region.
Read more about (EAAPA)
The alliance unites country level networks of civil society organizations. Its main purpose was to provide a forum for sharing information and experiences and promote best practices.

European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare)
Eurocare is an alliance of non-governmental organisations with member organisations across European countries advocating the prevention and reduction of alcohol related harm in Europe.
Read more about Eurocare
Member organisations are involved in advocacy and research, as well as in the provision of information and training on alcohol issues and the service for people whose lives are affected by alcohol problems. The mission of Eurocare is to promote policies to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm at EU level. The message, in regard to alcohol consumption, is “less is better”.
Eurocare is not affiliated and does not receive any funding from the alcohol industry or any of its social aspect organisations. Eurocare is registered in the European Transparency Register under number: 01546986656-22. The Eurocare office is located in Brussels.

The Asia Pacific Alcohol Policy Alliance (APAPA)
The Asia Pacific Alcohol Policy Alliance (APAPA) serves as a collaborative & learning space on alcohol policy developments for its members, a network committed to the development of effective alcohol policy in the region to reduce alcohol-related harm worldwide by promoting science-based policies independent of commercial interests.
Read more about APAPA
- APAPA website
- Contact the network by e-mail:
- Follow APAPA on Twitter: @AsiaPacAPA

The U.S. Alcohol Policy Alliance (USAPA)
The U.S. Alcohol Policy Alliance (USAPA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization translating alcohol policy research into public health practice.
Read more about USAPA
We work to ensure that local and statewide member organizations have access to the best science, resources and technical assistance required to engage in translating alcohol policy research into public health practice.
The Alliance focuses on population-level health, working to reduce and prevent alcohol-related harms using organizing and advocacy efforts within communities and states. Further, the U.S. Alcohol Policy Alliance is committed to remaining independent of commercial interests.

Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC)
The Healthy Caribbean Coalition is a civil society alliance established to combat non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and their associated risk factors and conditions.
Read more about HCC
The HCC’s mission is “To harness the power of civil society, in collaboration with government, private enterprise, academia, and international partners, as appropriate, in the development and implementation of plans for the prevention and management of chronic diseases among Caribbean people” and it’s vision is “The reduction of death and disability from chronic diseases among people in the Caribbean.”
The HCC prioritises all NCDs and risk factors including alcohol consumption. The HCC has a dedicated Alcohol Policy Advisor and since 2016 the HCC in partnership with regional stakeholders, including PAHO and CARPHA, has hosted an annual Caribbean Alcohol Reduction Day (CARD) to build awareness around the need to implement comprehensive alcohol reduction policies across the Caribbean. Read more here.
- Website: Healthy Caribbean Coalition
- Follow HCC on Twitter: @HealthCaribbean
- Facebook: GettheMessage
- Instagram: healthycaribbean
- YouTube: HealthyCaribbean
- Email:
- Sign up for the weekly HCC News Roundup email.

Coalition for Americas’ Health (CLAS)
CLAS is an alliance of over 200 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) from Latin America, which purpose is to prevent and control NCDs in the region. Its members include medical societies, patients’ organizations, healthcare NGOs, consumers NGOs, and academic entities.
Read more about CLAS
Founded in March 2011, CLAS is aimed at reducing inequity, promoting human rights, and facilitating effective polices with impact on NCDs risk factors and its determinants.
Overall goal is to strengthen Civil Society’s action on preventing and controlling NCDs in Latin America through advocacy, education, awareness building and research, at the national and regional levels, for the implementation of effective policies, in line with the United Nations’ (UN) and PAHO-WHO’s goals.