The Global Alcohol Policy Alliance is a network of non-governmental organisations and people working in public health who advocate for effective alcohol policies, free from commercial interests. The following structure outlines how organisations can join GAPA and its regional affiliates.
Associated bodies and individuals recognized by GAPA at Regional and National level
NGOs may become members of GAPA by joining a regional organisation approved by GAPA. Where no such regional body exist they may form one or in the interim in some circumstances be directly associated with GAPA. Associates would be part of the network of organisations which are recognised by the regional bodies.
Regional bodies
- Membership of GAPA is open to regional non-governmental organisations (NGO) alliances and coalitions and individual NGOs and institutions. Government bodies, inter-governmental organisations or businesses cannot be members of the Alliance;
- In order to become part of GAPA the regional body and their constituent members need to sign the core values as expressed in the Missions statement and Objectives. They must also sign the Statement on not receiving any funding from or providing in-kind services or support to alcohol companies or their subsidiaries, agents, Social Aspect Organisations or consultants;
- New regional bodies must be endorsed by a GAPA board decision.
Associate NGOs
- New associates must be endorsed by two current regional body associate organisations and receive no objections from current regional or GAPA associates;
- Associate NGOs need to sign the core values as expressed in the Missions statement and Objectives. They must also sign the Statement on not receiving any funding from or providing in-kind services or support to alcohol companies or their subsidiaries, agents, Social Aspect Organisations or consultants;
- Associate NGOs should be willing to fill out and make simple information about themselves available on the GAPA and/or regional body website;
- Individuals not affiliated to an organisation can also join the information network, but they must first be approved by existing associates, in the same way as NGOs, and will not appear in any list of associate organisations.
As associates NGOs may:
- Participate in regional networks, including having opportunities to participate in events and trainings as funding/space is available;
- Receive regular listserve mailings from international and regional coordinators;
- Access internal (advocacy oriented) information in a separate log-in section of the GAPA or regional body web site;
The GAPA Newsletter
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