GAPA General Assembly adopts new structure
After 24 years of operation, GAPA has taken a next step to adjust the organisational structure. Today GAPA held its Constitutive General Assembly that adopted the new structure with the intention to register an association under the Swiss Civil Code.

The Global Alcohol Policy Alliance (GAPA) was formed in Syracuse, New York, USA in 2001 and has since been actively involved as an international network advocating for evidence-based alcohol policies in the globally and regionally. A network of regional alcohol policy alliances has been built and GAPA has collaboration with other civil society organisations and international organisations, including the World Health Organization to promote its purpose. It is a partner in the WHO SAFER alcohol policy initiative and in the RESET Alcohol program.
After having existed as a network for 24 years, the GAPA Board decided to formalise the organisation and membership, and register as an Association in Geneva, Switzerland. With WHO as the hub of international alcohol policy making it makes sense to have the formal ties there.
The Constitutive General Assembly (CGA) adopted the new structure, including the revised Statutes that will be submitted to the Swiss authorities for the registration. It also elected the Board with Professor Sally Casswell (New Zealand) as Chair, Mr Issah Ali (Ghana) as Vice Chair, and Dr Florian Labhart (Switzerland) as Board Member along with an Advisory Council of 13 people. Delegates from many parts of the world represented all eight regional alliances in Asia/Pacific; Africa; Europe; Caribbean; Latin America and the United States.
The founders are the initial Members of the Association and additional Members may join by invitation from the Board. Membership of GAPA is open to GAPA’s affiliated alliances and the individuals who are serving on the Board or on the Advisory Council.
New members need to sign the core values as expressed in the Missions statement and Objectives. They must also sign the Statement on not receiving any funding from or providing in-kind services or support to alcohol companies or their subsidiaries, agents, Social Aspect Organisations or consultants.