The draft WHO Alcohol Action Plan to be discussed at the WHO Executive Board meeting (EB150) is Appendix 1 to Annex 8 of the report on the NCD agenda item, contained in document EB150/7 Add.1. It is one of 10 different items in the NCD package.

Given its bundling into the NCD suite of documents it is not clear if the text of the action plan will be discussed at the EB150 or not. If it is opened for discussion in the EB or intersessional meetings, GAPA wants to ensure the text is not weakened and want to promote:

  • Regular reporting to the WHA
  • Strengthen support for Member States to manage interference in policy making by the alcohol industry
  • Protect recommendations for the best buy alcohol policies and the SAFER measures.
  • Protect alcohol per capita consumption as indicator for harmful use of alcohol