In February 2020, the WHO Executive Board in its decision EB146 (14) called for accelerated action to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. The Board requested the WHO Director-General “to develop an action plan (2022-2030) to effectively implement the Global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol as a public health priority, in consultation with Member States and relevant stakeholders.”

WHO released the first draft of the Global alcohol action plan in late July 2021. It was based on the previous Working Document and comments received during the open consultation. An online consultation on the Global alcohol action plan, first draft, was opened until 3 September 2021.

In it’s submission GAPA expressed that there had been improvements in several aspects of the document since the Working Document, but we also pointed out that there were several challenges remaining. In repsonse to WHO’s explicit request for brief submissions with main points, GAPA developed the attached statement.