GAPA Policy Position 4th UNHLM NCDs 2025
The upcoming United Nations High Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases (UNHLM NCDs) will be the fourth such meeting following those held in 2011, 2014 and 2018. When High Level officials from Member States convene in New York in September there is an urgent need for action to reduce the global burden of NCDs.
In the context of the first HLM the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance (GAPA) issued a briefing paper on alcohol and GAPA have since been actively involved in the NCD process. For the 4th UNHLM NCDs we want to bring these particular issues to the attention of Member States.
Policy requests:
- GAPA requests that the HLM should result in the approval of a forward-looking, concise, and action-oriented outcome document with specific, measurable commitments that boost NCD investment and accelerate action on NCDs by strengthening their integration with other global health agendas and across the Sustainable Development Goals.
- GAPA requests Member States to address conflicts of interest in the development of the outcome document and ensure that alcohol policy development is free from industry influence and prioritises public health.
- GAPA requests Member States’ commitment to implementing the WHO Global Alcohol Action Plan, specifically the cost-effective alcohol policy measures identified in the NCD Global Action Plan and the WHO SAFER alcohol policy initiative.
- GAPA requests Member States to place the need of LMIC for assistance developing sustainable alcohol policy to the forefront of the outcome document while also acknowledging the importance of alcohol policy in mature markets.
- GAPA requests Member States to weigh the financial costs from alcohol harm in making policy decisions and consider use of protective clauses in trade and investment agreements to enable governments to implement ‘best buys’ regulations.
See the full text and the rational for each of the policy request in the documnet: