On 1 February 2018 GAPA together with IOGT International and NCD Alliance sent a joint letter of concern to The Global Fund regarding the announced partnership between The Global Fund and Heineken. The letter is being endorsed by a number of civil society organisations and networks.

See the letter here:

See statement following meeting between The Global Fund and NGOs concerned over Heineken partnership

The letter was endorsed by 93 organisations and networks (as of February 28, 2018).

  1. ACT Health Promotion, Brazil
  2. Actis – Norwegian Policy Network on Alcohol and Drugs
  3. Alcohol Action New Zealand
  4. Alcohol and Drug Information Center (ADIC), Sri Lanka
  5. Alcohol Focus Scotland
  6. Alcohol Healthwatch, New Zealand
  7. Alcohol Justice, USA
  8. Alcohol Policy Network in Europe (APN)
  9. Alcohol Policy Youth Network (APYN), Europe
  10. AV-OG-TIL (Campaign network for alcohol free zones), Norway
  11. Blue Cross International
  12. Blue Cross Norway
  13. Blue Cross in Tchad
  14. Bolivian Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS (REDBOL)
  15. Civil Society Network on Substance and Drug Abuse (csnETsda), Nigeria
  16. Center for Youth Eduction (CEM), Bosnia and Herzegovina
  17. Council of Churches in Namibia
  18. DiGNIDAD Coalition, Philippines
  19. Dutch Institute for Alcohol Policy (STAP), Netherlands
  20. Drug Policy and Harm Reduction Platform, Malawi
  21. East African Alcohol Policy Alliance
  22. Emonyo Yefwe International, Kenya
  23. European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare)
  24. European Center for Monitoring Alcohol Marketing (EUCAM)
  25. European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)
  26. Estonian Temperance Union (AVE)
  27. FORUT, Germany
  28. FORUT, Norway
  29. Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE), Australia
  30. Framework Convention on Global Health Alliance  (FCGH), Switzerland
  31. Ghana NCD Alliance
  32. Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP), Liberia
  33. Health and Trade Network (HaT)
  34. Health Related Information Dissemination Amongst Youth (HRIDAY), India
  35. Healthy Caribbean Coalition
  36. Healthy Lanka Alliance for Development, Sri Lanka
  37. Healthy Latin American Coalition (CLAS, Coalición Latinoamérica Saludable)
  38. Interamerican Heart Foundation
  39. International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol and other Drugs (INEBRIA)
  40. International Pediatric Association
  41. Institute for Alcohol Studies, UK
  42. Institute for Research and Development (UTRIP), Slovenia
  43. Institute of Leadership and Development (INSLA), Ghana
  44. IOGT Gambia
  45. IOGT Germany
  46. IOGT movement, Iceland
  47. IOGT Norway
  48. IOGT-NTO Movement, Sweden
  49. IOGT Poland
  50. Kawempe Youth Development Association (KYDA), Uganda
  51. League Against Intoxicants, Norway
  52. Lithuanian Tobacco and Alcohol Control Coalition (NTAKK)
  53. Milestones Rehabilitation Foundation, Nigeria
  54. National Council Against Smoking, South Africa
  55. NCD Alliance, Malawi
  56. NCD Alliance Lanka, Sri Lanka
  57. NCD Child
  58. New Dawn, Zambia
  59. New Vois Association of the Phils. Inc. (NVAP), Philippines
  60. Nepal NCD Alliance
  61. Nordic Alcohol and Drug Policy Network (NordAN), Northern Europe
  62. Norwegian Cancer Society
  63. Ohaha Family Foundation, Nigeria
  64. People Against Drug Dependence and Ignorance (PADDI), Nigeria
  65. Safe Sociable London Partnership, UK
  66. Students’ Campaign Against Drugs (SCAD), Kenya
  67. Slovenian Coalition for Public Health, Environment and Tobacco Control
  68. South African NCD Alliance
  69. Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance- Zambia
  70. Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance
  71. Stop Drink Network, Thailand
  72. Sri Lanka Alcohol Policy Alliance
  73. Teamcoby, Nigeria
  74. The Cancer Association of South Africa
  75. Salvation Army, Norway Iceland and The Faeroes
  76. The Wellbeing Initiative, Nigeria
  77. UDK Consultancy, Malawi
  78. UK Health Forum, United Kingdom
  79. United States Alcohol Policy Alliance
  80. Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
  81. Vision for Alternative Development (VALD), Ghana
  82. Vital Strategies
  83. WEMOS, Netherlands
  84. West African Alcohol Policy Alliance
  85. Wimmera Drug Action Taskforce, Australia
  86. WomanHealth Philippines
  87. World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF International)
  88. World Medical Association (WMA)
  89. World Stroke Organization
  90. World Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WWCTU)
  91. Women’s Coalition Against Cancer (WOCACA), Malawi
  92. Young Professionals Chronic Disease Network (YP-CDN)
  93. Zambia NCD Alliance