This is GAPA
The Global Alcohol Policy Alliance is a network of non-governmental organisations and people working in public health who advocate for effective alcohol policies, free from commercial interests.
Governing bodies
GAPA’s board consists of 3 board members, chaired by Professor Sally Casswell. The 13 member Advisory Council supports the work of the Board.
GAPA network
GAPA has regional alliances in Asia/Pacific; Africa; Europe; Caribbean; Latin America and the United States.
Join the network
NGOs may become members of GAPA by joining a regional organisation approved by GAPA.
Mission and guidelines
The GAPA mission is to reduce alcohol-related harm worldwide by promoting science-based policies independent of commercial interests.
Read more about GAPA’s objectives, Gender and Diversity Policy and other guidelines.
History and the Globe
GAPA was formed in 2001 with Derek Rutherford as the founding Chair. Until 2016 GAPA published The Globe, a journal with current alcohol policy issues and research. The Globe has since then been replaced by GAPA’s online Newsletter.
The GAPA Newsletter
Sign up for our occasional newsletter and receive the latest on our policies, advocacy and events.
Your e-mail address will be collected and stored for the sole purpose of sending you our newsletters. It will not be sold to any third-party providers. You can opt out anytime with the link in the newsletter. The newsletter is available for all those without conflict of interest from involvement with the alcohol industry.
Read our privacy policy for more information.
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