Issue 1 2016


Transnational Alcohol Corporations are a Global Health Risk

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Issue 1 2015

Globe Cover

First Minister “vigorously” to defend minimum unit price

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Issue 2 2014

Gl201402 Cover1

BRAZIL: An unregulated alcohol market

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Issue 1 2014

Gl201401 Cover

World Cancer Report 2014 Rising Burden of Cancer – Prevention the Key

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Issue 3 2013

Gl201303 Cover

Beware of the Alcohol Industry Bearing Gifts

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Issue 2 2013

Gl201302 Cover

Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General urges strong alcohol policies

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Issue 1 2013

Gl201301 Cover

Alcohol grows as risk factor for death and disability in 2010 GBD Study

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Issue 3 2012

Gl201203 Cover

65th World Health Assembly: Steps taken towards reducing NCDs: but no specific alcohol target

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Issue 2 2012

Gl201202 Cover

Global Alcohol Policy Conference 13-15 February 2012, Nonthaburi, Thailand Opening Ceremony

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Issue 1 2012

Gl201201 Cover

Youth Empowerment

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Issue 3 2011

Gl201103 Cover

United Nations adopt political declaration on Non-Communicable Diseases

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Issue 2 2011

Gl201102 Cover

Alcohol and Cancer in the spotlight

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Issue 1 2011

Gl201101 Cover

Alcohol and Non-Communicable Diseases

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Issue 3 2010

Gl201003 Cover

Alcohol, HIV and Public Health

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Issue 2 2010

Gl201002 Cover

Ten years of GAPA honoured

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Issue 1 2010

Gl201001 Cover

Global Alcohol Strategy Endorsed

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Issue 3 2009

Gl200903 Cover

Global Alcohol Strategy on the right track

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Issue 2 2009

Gl200902 Cover

Around 1 in 25 deaths worldwide attributable to alcohol

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Issue 1 2009

Gl200901 Cover

GAPA Chairman receives “Lifetime Achievement Award”

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Issue 2 2008

Gl200802 Cover

A new voice in the field of Alcohol Policy

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Double issue 1 2008 & 3 2007

Gl200801 200703 Cover

Vigilance required over WHO collaboration with the drinks industry on a global strategy

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Double issue 2 2007 & 1 2007

Gl200702 200701 Cover

WHO Global assessment of public-health problems caused by harmful use of alcohol for 2002

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Issue 3 2006

Gl200603 Cover

World Bank calls for action on youth and alcohol

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Issue 2 2006

Gl200602 Cover

New report estimates that the tangible cost of alcohol to the EU is 125 billion Euros, 1.3% of GDP

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Double issue 1 2006 & 3 2005

Gl200601 200503 Cover

Alcohol Advocacy – Lessons to be learned from tobacco

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Issue 2 2005

Gl201103 Cover

Indian Alcohol Policy Alliance launched

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Issue 1 2005

Gl200501 Cover

Pacific people meet to discuss alcohol policy issues

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Issue 3 2004

Gl200403 Cover

Focus on Youth Drinking

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Double issue 1 & 2 2004

Gl200402 200401 Cover

Bridging the Gap

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Issue 4 2003

Gl200304 Cover

World Bank pronounces on Alcohol

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Issue 3 2003

Gl200303 Cover

Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity. A summary of the book

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Issue 2 2003

Gl200302 Cover

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Issue 1 2003

Gl200301 Cover

Advocacy in action

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Issue 4 2002

Gl200204 Cover

Living dangerously: The World Health Report, 2002

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Issue 3 2002

Gl200203 Cover

The beverage alcohol
industry’s social aspects
A public health warning

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Issue 2 2002

Gl200202 Cover

Drinking it in – Marketing and Promotion of Alcohol to Young People

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Issue 1 2002

Gl200201 Cover

The International Center for Alcohol Policies

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Double issue 3 & 4 2001

Gl200104 200103 Cover

Gapa Bangkok consultation: Alcohol in Asia – Foreward

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Issue 2 2001

Gl200102 Cover

Trade treaties, alcohol and public health

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Issue 1 2001

Gl200101 Cover

WHO challenges the drink industry

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Issue 3 2000 – Special edition

Towards A Global Alcohol Policy

The Proceedings of the Global Alcohol Policy Advocacy Conference, Syracuse, NY, USA

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