On 1 February 2018 GAPA together with IOGT International and NCD Alliance sent a joint letter of concern to The Global Fund regarding the announced partnership between The Global Fund and Heineken.
February 2013, Statement of Concern: The international public health community responds to the global alcohol producers’ attempts to implement the WHO Global Strategy on the Harmful Use of Alcohol.
In the development goals that will follow the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) alcohol needs to be addressed, says the Global Alcoholhol Policy Alliance. Alcohol is a key determinant for ill health and an obstacle to development.
Ahead of the September 2011 UN High Level Meeting on NCDs GAPA joined with a number of like minded NGOs to draft a Statement of Concern related to the involvement of the private sector in the UN High Level process.
GAPA brief on Alcohol and NCDs, 17 February 2011
20 May 2010, The World Health Assembly passed a resolution endorsing a Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol.
GAPA submission in WHO consultation on the Global alcohol strategy, November 2008